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Hiring a Truck Accident Attorney in Oregon

You may have many questions when you are involved in a truck accident, we are here to help! We have compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions by truck accident victims in the state of Oregon.

What Are Some Common Injuries That Can Be Sustained As The Result Of A Truck Accident?

Every accident involving a motor vehicle of any kind can be life-threatening and deadly. Due to the size of commercial trucks, tractor-trailers and semi-trucks, involvement in a truck crash can result in a series of catastrophic injuries and fatalities, making them especially dangerous. Below, you’ll find some of the commonly seen injuries sustained after a truck accident:

  • Disfigurement: Disfigurement includes any injury that causes permanent, noticeable damage to a victim’s appearance. This can include scarring, burning, lost limbs or amputation, and any other injuries that impact how a victim looks and presents themselves to the world.
  • Spinal Cord Injury: These injuries are extremely serious, and can lead to death as they can lead to further neurological issues.
  • Traumatic Brain Injury: Brain swelling, Subdural Hematoma and many other traumatic brain injuries can be caused by being thrown from a vehicle.
  • Broken Bones and Fractures: While more mild than other injuries, broken bones can still force victims to miss wages and can rack up hefty medical expenses.
  • Wrongful Death: The worst case scenario when in a truck accident is wrongful death.
What Causes Truck Accidents?

According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), on average, truck drivers can clock in an average of 60 hours of driving per week, which can equate to over 100,000 miles per year. Long hours, overnight drives and drowsiness can be a deadly combination for both truck drivers and other drivers that share the road. Below are just a few common causes of truck accidents:

  • Impossible delivery schedules: Truck companies should be sure to allow plenty of time for deliveries and travel, to ensure drivers do not speed. Doing so can prevent injuries and accidents.
  • Tire blowout: When a tractor-trailer’s tire is blown out, the vehicle will quickly swerve and veer in the direction of the blown out tire, becoming a dangerous hazard for both the truck driver and other drivers sharing the road.
  • Speeding: Ignoring traffic laws or speeding can increase the likelihood of a major accident occurring.
  • Harsh conditions: Driving in inclement weather like rain, sleet and snow can drastically increase the likelihood of a truck accident.
  • Lack of job training: Truck companies should be sure to offer proper training for all new hires to promote safe driving.
  • Distracted driving: Using a cell phone or other device while driving can increase risk for accidents.
  • Drugs/alcohol: Drivers of any kind should not engage in drugs or alcohol before getting behind the wheel of a motor vehicle.
What Can Be Done To Prevent Truck Accidents?

When it comes to preventing truck and other automobile accidents, education can be key. In Oregon, Oregon State Police used horrific car crash imagery of a rig hauling a loaded flatbed that collided with a semi-truck to demonstrate the dangers of careless and reckless driving. Passenger vehicle drivers and truck drivers alike can take the following precautions to avoid accidents:

  • Never tailgate a truck and allow for enough space in between vehicles
  • When driving on highways and interstates, pass trucks quickly and merge quickly
  • Avoid driving in a truck’s blindspot
  • Don’t drive while fatigued or under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Do not text and drive
  • Drive slowly
  • Give clear turn signals
  • Avoid using brights, as this can be distracting to truck drivers
I Just Experienced A Truck Accident. What Should I Do Next?

If you have been injured in a truck accident, your first step is to seek medical attention right away. Even if you do not appear hurt or feel hurt, it’s important to have the accident documented should any health conditions arise later on in life. Seeking medical treatment shortly after the accident will also be a crucial step for your insurance company, as you will need to prove your injuries were caused by the accidents should you need to pursue a personal injury claim.

You should also notify law enforcement as soon as possible following the accident. Once police arrive at the scene, they will be able to determine the cause of the accident as well as the party at fault so both parties can move forward with next steps. Be sure to take photos of yourself, the vehicles involved, the location and any other pivotal details. The more documentation, the better.

Is Oregon An At-Fault State?

Oregon is a fault state, which means that any car or truck accident that involves an at-fault party due to negligence will be processed through the at-fault party’s insurance company. If you are the victim in the accident due to negligence, you will file through their insurance company to receive compensation. Oregon also requires a built-in provision called personal injury protection (or PIP). Unfortunately, many insurance companies can act in their own best interest, in an attempt to pay out as little money as possible. By contacting a personal injury attorney through LegalFinders, you can guarantee that the at-fault party will be held accountable.

What Is The Statute Of Limitations In Oregon?

In Oregon, the statute of limitations for personal injury is two years, which means clients have up to two years to file a claim following the date of the incident. If the claim involves a minor under the age of 18, the at-fault party will not be told until after their 18th birthday.

What Qualifies As A Personal Injury?

Injuries that are sustained through an automobile or truck accident or any scenario in which another party is responsible for injury are considered personal injuries. Personal injuries can range in severity, from simple cuts and bruises to traumatic brain injuries. Severe injuries can not only be an expensive and lengthy ordeal in terms of medical expenses, but they can also be life-altering and cause long term pain and suffering and in the worst case scenarios — wrongful death. If you are a victim of a personal injury caused by a truck or other accident, it’s crucial to seek legal advice immediately. Contact LegalFinders to connect with a personal injury attorney.

Have you or a loved one been injured in a truck accident in the state of Oregon? It doesn‘t matter if you‘re in Portland or near Lake Oswego, we can help. LegalFinders can connect you with an expert personal injury attorney to help you receive fair compensation for your injuries and help pay your medical bills so you can focus on recovering from your injuries.

Disclaimer: Inquiring does not guarantee representation, so get started today to learn how we can connect you with the right experienced Oregon truck accident attorney to handle your commercial vehicle claim.

Truck Accident

LegalFinders Can Connect You With A Network Of Top-Rated, Reputable Attorneys To Help Bring You Justice In The State Of Oregon

Becoming a victim of a truck accident can be a truly terrifying experience, one that can impact your both mental and physical health for years to come. In these moments of uncertainty, you need the right legal representation to help you pick up the pieces. LegalFinders is your connection to the best-in-class lawyers in Oregon, specializing in helping you receive justice for your accident. Our team of nationally-ranked personal injury attorneys can help you. Contact us to receive a free consultation and case review.

Oregon Truck Accident Statistics

According to, the top 10 mistakes that caused motor vehicle accidents in the year 2019 are as follows:

Failure to avoid a stopped or parked vehicle

Failure to yield to right of way



Following too closely

Disregarding traffic signals

Failure to maintain lane

Failure to decrease speed

Ran off road

Improper lane changes

In 2019, Oregon saw a total of 451 fatal crashes and 489 deaths. As of March 28, 2022, Oregon has seen 116 traffic fatalities.

Most Dangerous Oregon Roadways

Out of all the most dangerous highways in the United States, one of the most treacherous lies between Oregon and California. This road is known as the Redwood Highway, running from Crescent City, California to Grants Pass Oregon. While the sprawling natural beauty of this area is a sight to see, it spells dangers for drivers because of its twisting roads and narrow lanes. The Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) reported that most crashes on this road took place between miles 28 and 29. Below you’ll find other highways in Oregon known for their dangerous roads:

Highway 97
Interstate 5
Barbur Boulevard
Oregon Coast Highway


LegalFinders Can Help Put You At Ease With Experienced, Trustworthy Personal Injury Attorneys

Experiencing a truck accident can be a terrifying experience that leaves you with many unanswered questions. The right legal representation matters, which is why we work with subject matter experts who are backed by years of satisfied client testimonials. LegalFinders ensures you feel supported and confident through every step of the healing process by connecting you with the best personal injury attorneys in your area to represent you and your family. We take our attorney-client relationships seriously so you feel supported and informed throughout the claims process. Call for your free consultation and case evaluation with our team today.


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